Share your voice: The LGBTQI+ Perception Index

EXCITING NEWS! The F&M Global Barometers LGBTQI+ Perception Index (GBPI) is LIVE! The GBPI is a groundbreaking survey that allows the global LGBTQI+ community to share their experiences on safety, acceptance, fear, and discrimination. Your responses will help inform policy and advance LGBTQI+ human rights worldwide. Take the Survey: In 2022, there were over […]
Workshop and training on accelerating HIV and STIs prevention for young people from key populations in Asia and the Pacific

Last September 24 to 26, 2024, YVC attended a 3-day workshop organized by Youth-led in partnership with UNAIDS Asia-Pacific (AP) and WHO Asia-Pacific (AP). The workshop focused on enhancing HIV and STI prevention among young key populations (YKP) through promoting understanding, developing action plans, and empowering youth-led initiatives. Representatives from youth leaders, government, UNAIDS, and […]
Asia-Pacific Regional YKP Strategy Development Consultation

Since the emergence of the YKP movement around 2010, significant strides have been made in advocacy, partnership, and policy changes across the region. YKP-led networks such as Youth LEAD, Y PEER AP Center, and Youth Voices Count (YVC), Inc., have championed the cause, leading to greater visibility and representation of YKP in regional and global […]